Inspired by Joan of Castile (1479-1555) and her episode of life spent in grief and isolation, Anastatica explores ambiguous mental and physical conditions under institutional concepts of control and oppression through an expressive cinematic form shot on Super 8mm film. In an improvisational performance distinguished by a strong sense of space and design, integrating lighting, costume and architecture, the film creates surreal worlds between life and death, dream and poetry.
Vertiginous masses of carved granite give way to an ecstasy of light and living colour through an alchemical spell of elemental transformation. Hierarchies dissolve as the transient quotidian inspires the monumental. Imprinting successive layers of time in a ritual of repeated gestures, active attention, walked paths, shifting seasons, and cycling years, Dans les cieux et sur la terre combines the alchemical potential of photochemical film with the ritual of the filmmaker's performance.
Two adverse characters, through some form of ritual, navigate internal landscapes. The story was surfacing, our skin was alive...
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