A model's response from a photographer's harassment.
In the middle of where, what happens?
In the 90s, the population accesses the internet through home telephone networks, sex chats become popular, but what can happen when sex becomes virtual?
A parodic cinema trailer voiceover is paired with footage of a beach in south-west Ireland, filmed in the summer of 2019. The image and sound really have no connection with each other, which is the point, and hopefully the badly delivered bombast of the voiceover is humbled by shining banality in amateur camerawork, seaweed, surf, and sand.
A manufactured creek, a candid salesperson, an irresistible river and a sacred orb collide in this flash portrait of cosmic serendipity and the life cycle of love.
Between C & D invites viewers to explore a metaphoric world of inner dilemmas. With this film the authors make a research into new visual forms to express а human' eternal seek for a fragile balance between sensual and spiritual experiences. The title refers to the essence of the protagonist's tragic choice between two life concepts. Here "C" stays for Christian (Apollonian) & "D" for Dionysian.
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